Bible Drill

This is a chance for your child (Grades 1-9) to learn more about the Bible.
They learn Bible verses, Key Passages, the Books of the Bible
and how to use the Bible.
Students that have learned all the required verses and passages have the opportunity to compete at a Church Level, Associational Level, and State Level.
Sundays at 5:00 pm 

Dare 2 Share

The Dare 2 Share Conference is held in St. Louis. This is a weekend learning experience where thousands of teens attend and learn how to share the Gospel with their family and friends. They also have the amazing opportunity to worship God in a concert setting.

Super Summer

The youth attend Super Summer each summer. Super Summer is a camp sponsored by the Missouri Baptist Convention. This is a week of amazing learning and experiences. The teens are disconnected from technology so they have the opportunity to focus on God. They attend classes based on grade, have a recreation time, worship time and at the end of the day a church group time. Several youths have been saved during these intense experiences with God.



WinterJam is a concert with several popular artists and speakers that teens enjoy at a low cost. The teens go to the concert for an amazing worship experience with thousands of other people.

Vacation Bible School

We have had a Vacation Bible School every year since our church began.  Each year we strive to show God’s love to the children in our community and share Jesus with them.  This is always an exciting week at the church.  Each year we collect a missions offering that goes directly to a missions cause.  Through the years several lives have been changed and many children have come to know Christ as their Savior through Vacation Bible School.  It still remains as one of the greatest outreach events we have.
Like our VBS Facebook Page.